The lights were out, again.
This time was much worse than the first time.
The first time they went out around 6, and stayed out until after 8.
This time, they went out around 4. My mom, Krysta and I had planned to go get our feet done and get some dinner so we left around 5 thinking it would be worked out by the time we got home.
When we got back after 9 we were shocked to see the street in front of our house filled with trucks and a backhoe.
Yes, we had left Karl with all of the kids all night, with no power.
It turned out to be pretty mean of us.
They had to dig out a huge hole in our front yard and repair a line there.
Power finally restored sometime after midnight.
A few days later, they brought us some sod to cover the huge hole in our front yard.

Update again:
The power went out again!
This time from 6:45 to 5:30 AM. It took so much longer to repair because there was another big outage elsewhere, AND the repair was under our neighbors driveway. The replaced that cement right away. What a terrible sweaty night. It was over 100 degrees out yesterday, and it was HOT in herrr.