Ground Hog Day: Movie with the Sackies!

Our celebrations started with a little bit of shock when new broke of a famous ground hog dying just days before the big day! It felt like a bad omen somehow.

And even though Phil himself was fine, and did his prediction: He saw his shadow!

We still were happy to celebrate together like every year and watch Groundhog Day together. We watched it with Malia and James and the Sackie kids! We got tacos from a place right next to their house for dinner. Then after eating we watched ground hog day in the theater room at their complex!

Malia made delicious and festive treats for all of us and we had about 1000 bags of popcorn. And even though it took literally 45 minutes to get our food, and even though it took 20 minutes to vacuum up all the popcorn and even though James slept through the ENTIRE movie, we had a great time, and were happy to celebrate this silly day together.

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